Artibition Gallery

Mehdi Rahemi

Mehdi Rahemi was born in 1979 in Kashan. He studied drawing and painting with a focus on landscape and still life for three years, under the supervision of Mehdi Asadzadeh. He also learned figurative drawing and printmaking from Mehrdad Khataei for five years in Tehran.

He held his first solo printmaking exhibition in 2007 at Iran Artists House. Rahemi has taught drawing in Kashan for several years and during this time, he published two books from his collection of printmaking and drawing artworks.

We can divide Mehdi Rahemi’s work periods into two periods: before and after the “swamp” exhibition; In the first period of Rahemi’s works, the figures are seen in exaggerated form; Also, the separation of the figure from the background is obvious in most of these works. In the second period, although the figures are not realistic, they are not exaggerated like the first period, but rather express the artist’s drawing/painting approach. With the disappearance of the border between drawing and painting, the person in the painting dissolves into the space around him, as Foad Najmedin wrote in the statement of the “Swamp” exhibition: “The depicted figures have lost their unity and become a pile of stains. The pen strokes are sometimes sitting together and forming organs and bodies, and sometimes are monstrous to swallow other bodies and organs.

Mehdi Rahemi​
Oil on canvas | 100×80 cm
Oil on canvas | 130×160 cm
Oil on canvas | 100×80 cm

Oil on canvas | 50×60 cm